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Mineral oil is used as the insulating and cooling medium for some power and instrument transformers.


Oil samples are taken at a frequency planned by the asset owner to be analysed to get an understanding of how the asset is performing. This is a non intrusive testing method.

When a transformer oil sample is analysed, it is tested for Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA), Breakdown Voltage (kV) and moisture parts per million (PPM), among other tests.


The levels and types of gas in your oil give an indication of what is occurring internally in your asset.
The following gases are characteristic for degradation of transformer oil-paper insulation: hydrogen (H2), methane (CH4), ethane (C2H6), acetylene (C2H2), ethylene (C2H4), carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2).

Gases generated in general fault types are: ethylene (C2H4) – overheated oil, carbon monoxide (CO) – overheated cellulose, hydrogen (H2) – corona in oil, acetylene (C2H2) – arcing in oil


Depending on levels of volatile gases and the internal fault present, catastrophic failures of your asset can occur.

Therefore rectification of internal fault and oil filtration/regeneration will be required.


Moisture PPM in oil will lower the breakdown voltage (kV), and depending on the level of moisture in oil (or cellulose) will significantly decrease the assets lifespan. Also, the operating temperature of the asset combined with the PPM in oil will exponentially decrease asset life.



Transformer Oil Dehydration and         De-gassing plant

Konic Group's Australian made Vokes MG6000 is capable of processing 6000L of transformer oil an hour. The largest mobile transformer oil filtration plant on the market in Australia. With 150A of heaters per phase, it has the ability to get your transformer and its oil up to temperature quicker allowing the processing of the oil and the drying out of your asset to be more efficient.



Oil Regeneration - De-acidification

Using Fullers Earth, the DA4000 has the ability to remove acid, impurities and restore the colour of your transformer oil.
The Fullers Earth bags are the most environmentally friendly option on the market for regenerating transformer oil. Unlike other systems where Aluminium bauxite is burnt to reuse, once spent Fullers Earth is disposed of correctly through accredited handlers.



Transformer oil re-inhibiting and re-passivating

Transformer oil inhibitor fights the oxidation process of transformer oil. Transformer oil passivator fights corrosive sulphur attacking your assets copper components.
Over time the levels of inhibitor and passivator diminish, leaving your asset at risk.
With the state of the art Vokes Dosing plant, Konic Group can treat your transformer oil back to appropriate levels to significantly prolong the life of your asset.

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